Supporting the people of the Andes in their efforts to preserve and revitalize their textile traditions

What's Happening

2025 Tour to Bolivia Now Available!

Whether you are a textile enthusiast or an adventure traveler, accompany us on a remarkable journey. We offer annual tours that let you experience traditional Andean life far off the beaten path. Meet with Andean artisans and try your hand at backstrap weaving and spinning on a drop spindle. Taste local food and visit sites that have helped define Andean culture and textiles.

Textile Traditions of the Peruvian Highlands

Visit the Andes from Home

Textile Traditions of the Peruvian Highlands is an inspiring virtual visit with the Andean weavers, spinners, knitters, and dyers of the Peruvian Highlands. Designed for fiber guilds, schools, and other groups, it is an opportunity to “travel” to this part of the world and be exposed to the area’s unique traditional textile arts and cultures.

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