Supporting the people of the Andes in their efforts to preserve and revitalize their textile traditions
What's Happening
In-Person Event: Talk and Trunk Show with Nilda Callañaupa
On Feb 13, the Fowler Museum at UCLA hosts an in-person talk and trunk show with Nilda Callañaupa, founder of the Center for the Traditional Textiles of Cusco. Nilda will share her journey through the world of southern Andean highland textiles and discuss the rich history, evolving traditions, and vibrant future of these extraordinary weavings.
The talk will begin at 5:30pm and will be followed by a trunk show featuring exquisite textiles handcrafted by the talented weavers of the Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco (CTTC).
Textile Traditions of the Peruvian Highlandsis an inspiring virtual visit with the Andean weavers, spinners, knitters, and dyers of the Peruvian Highlands. Designed for fiber guilds, schools, and other groups, it is an opportunity to “travel” to this part of the world and be exposed to the area’s unique traditional textile arts and cultures.